
I have no bad poetry to give you, nor any cool, unique, or remotely clever insight to provide at this moment in my life. I have nothing to sell you. I have no good films to recommend, nor any records to praise (though I just bought the most recent Radio head record…no that’s a lie…actually I just listened to Mike’s copy because 13.99 is too much to pay at Best Buy, though I may buy it later) and it makes me want to eat chocolate and spray Raid on green beetles for some strange reason–don’t ask). I have nothing good to say at this moment. I just wanted to let you all know that 9 to 5 eats my brain. This is not literary, and the fact that I am posting this here is devaluing this web site. I feel like a fairly representative sample of the creative flux of energy present in America at this very instant in history. Oh yes, and I have decided to change my name to Jack Skancy. Or perhaps Chum. The word chum always makes me laugh so it would be cool to make people laugh every time they said my name. Man am I freaking hungry right now. I am sitting shirtless hoping that at some point the act of typing will produce something remotely good. Still. Waiting. Nothing is happening yet. Nothing at all. Perhaps if I type backwards it will. let’s see. gnizama. gnihton. gnihton ta lla. modkcus sah emoceb em.

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